There are a number of issues that may arise when it comes to grout repair. The most common is dirty, stained or discolored grout. This happens due to the porous nature of grout as it is made of portland cement and sand just as a sidewalk or concrete driveway. Depending on the severity of the staining or discoloration, it may be cleaned or have the GROUT RECOLORED.
The next common issue is CRACKING GROUT along the edges of the tile but not across the grout joint. This is most likely caused by slight deflection in the subfloor, which over time will cause the bond between the tile and grout to separate. It is possible to cosmetically repair this by using latex based GROUT COLORANT Sealer, which will seal the space and the entire surface of the grout to prevent staining.

Remedies are:
Stained Grout: Clean and coat with our favorite grout colorant and sealer LITTLE ABBY'S GROUT REJUVENATOR. This will seal and recolor the grout giving it a fresh new look. We can recolor floors and walls along with caulking, and make cleaning much easier.
Grout Cracked/Separated at edges: If not severe it also may be coated with grout colorant or you may want to have the old grout removed and regrouted then sealed with a clear grout sealer.

Cracked or Crumbling Grout: As mentioned above the cause is due to severe movement in the floor. There is a chance that the grout was mixed with too much or too little water at the time of the installation or harsh chemicals were used to clean it. Regrouting is a temporary fix, if the tile isn't loose and separating from the bond to the subfloor. There is a better chance of it lasting longer if EPOXY GROUT is used as it is a stronger material. The only true remedy is to remove the entire tile floor or wall down to the subfloor or backer board, fasten them or replace, then install the new tile properly.